Your Smiles are Sweet and Babbling Bubbly
Your smile so sweet, I am gonna die! My love, my sweet sweet baby Your …
A few months ago, I read this book. A small 60 pages book by Mualana Wahiduddin Khan. I re-read it, made notes and a mindmap. Printed and pasted by my bed, and promised myself that I will practice it.
Life improved from that moment itself. I vaguely remember - I was always happy, my cravings were under control and my relationships were awesome.
Especially my Salah, Qur’an and other forms of ibadah were heartfelt. I found myself tearing up when I thought of Allah, or talked to him.
Now, I find myself again in a mess. Life is running way to fast for me to catch-up. I am always distracted, even during Salah. My relationships are not working out - I am either too busy to talk, or too tired to listen.
I am more imaptient, restless and fatigued.
So I turn back to my past, and try to revive the teachings of that amazing guidebook. And this time I will share it with the world.
We will briefly touch the core concepts -
Beginning with the purpose of Tazkiya
Why should you do Tazkiya? or rather Purify our self?
To begin this process we start with the following 3 steps-
This means to think deeply and reflect over things. We will start contemplation of ourselves, desires and arrogance.
When you think deeply about your nature, your existence you will come to realize how weak and humble we are in existence. The only thing that sets us apart from animals is the ability to THINK and Speak.
Knowledge should instill a fear of Allah in our hearts and mind, and every study should become a divine discovery. Every experience should lead us closer to Allah. When you engage your mind is study - it increases the thinking capacity. You make more room for knowledge.
WE should strive to gain the knowledge that is for Allah’s pleasure, and we should also learn about Allah’s creations.
When you think deeply about Jannah - its a place of absolute peace, comfort and love. But it will only come with a sacrfice.
Wordly desires and arrogance over our blessings will damage our path to Jannah, our relationship with Allah and lead us to our own destruction.
When you engage in self observation - self analysis, you will able to grow intellectually.
However, spiritual growth happens through the mind, not just heart. For this you must ACTIVELY reflect on the Qur’an and Hadith. Read the ayah, its tafsir, in it’s Arabic form and think. If you do not MAKE YOURSELF DO THIS - you cannot engage in the tadabbur process.
It is very important to have Living guide - Companion, daily contact to help you, guide you in your process. When you stumble and fall, someone to catch you!
*Remember : Tazkiyah is a gift Direct from Allah.
Try to find a teacher who will provide an incentive to engage in Tazkiyah. He/She should make your realise what a loss it is to live a life of ignorance, self indulgence and detached from Allah. And they should Help you Do it now!
We have been conditioned - or made to believe that THIS LIFE IS ALL THAT MATTERS!
However, the truth is we are here to die, real life is after death.
Qur’an - shows us how to live, for a good death.
If we follow the principles of living for happiness, pleasure, people, etc. we will waste our life.
*** We are in this world only to give a test! A test of our Love for Allah.**
So find Allah in everything. And remember the best spiritual food is thinking.
You can only get closer to Allah through your mind - so remove negative thoughts from your consciousness.
How to do it?
How to do Tazkiyah -
You need to develop a strong will first. Make sincere intentions and a serious commitment to do tazkiya. Once you make a firm decision, do not become weak at any cost.
Always learn a lesson from your mistakes and situtions around you.
Judge yourself - Analyse your words and deeds as much as possible. Kill the I - your EGO, self-centeredness and self-importance will be the biggest hurdles.
Remember your Helplessness in front of Allah. Do regular Istikhara for guidance and make constant dua. Understand and invoke attributes of Allah. Dua is always followed by Tazkiyah and leads to a spiritual discovery.
Allah is as we think of Him, so think good of Him. Reflect on signs of Allah to discover deeper realities of things. Be one’s own teacher.
Self prostration - submit with everything Remembrance and glorification of Allah, and discover Allah’s words.
Your smile so sweet, I am gonna die! My love, my sweet sweet baby Your …
Magic words for Love and Peace اَلسَّلاَ مُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ …
For the past few decades, there has been a constant effort to influence …
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