Your Smiles are Sweet and Babbling Bubbly
Your smile so sweet, I am gonna die! My love, my sweet sweet baby Your …
Today it’s about Positive thinking!
I was watching this lecture of Nouman Ali Khan, in which he said, suppose there is a day when you wake up and realise you missed Fajr, and the same day you have a job interview. Somehow, you fail the interview, and your first thought is, “This happened with me because I missed Fajr,” then there are chances you’re right, and there are also chances, you’re… absolutely wrong.
But ultimately, it all boils down to what Allah says about this Himself, and Allah says, “‘I am as My slave thinks of Me.'” [Al-Bukhāri and Muslim].
So if you think that your loss or failure is a result of Allah taking immediate petty revenge on you for missing Salah, then, indeed, Allah is as you are thinking of Him.
And if you are thinking, “This failure is because Allah has better and grander things planned for me and this wasn’t one of those that were good for me in Deen, Duniya and Akhirah.” Then Allah is as you’re thinking of Him, as in the Hadith Allah goes on to say, “and I am able to do for him what He thinks I can do for him.”
Sometimes, failures and losses can make you feel really low, some days, you may wake up feeling hopeless and that nothing seems to go right, there are losses and losses and many more losses. Is Allah even listening to you? Why does He make this happen to you? Why only you? Can’t He have mercy? Can’t He make at least one thing go right?
In this moment, remind yourself Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said, “Amazing are the affairs of the believer.” [Al-Bukhari]
For believers are never… in loss.
If you lose everything, but you have Allah, you have everything you need.
And if you gain the whole world, but you lose Allah on the way, you… have nothing.
Losing Allah, or hidayah, or faith in Allah’s mercy… is the biggest loss. It makes us terrible losers, and the best prey for Shaytaan, to feed us with more negative thoughts about Allah, and guess what? Then Allah is as you think of Him!
Despite everything going wrong if you think good of Allah, Allay says, “Give thanks to me and I will increase you in favour,” so you thinking good of Allah despite everything going wrong is the highest form of giving shukr.
On the day of Hashr, out of the seven categories of people that will be given shade under Allah’s throne, one of the categories is of people who praised and glorified Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’Ala in all circumstances, good or bad.
So just praise Allah, and give your thanks, Inshallah, He has amazing things planned for you. Without a grain of doubt! J
And did you know Imaanu? The biggest and best trick Shaytan plays on believers frequently is when he makes them feel hopeless and that Allah has given up on them. Because, how else will a believer turn away from Allah?
If he has any hope in his heart that Allah is a merciful Lord, wouldn’t he keep running back to Allah again and again and foil Shaytan’s plans to mislead him and misguide him from the right path?
Because the moment he loses the impression that Allah is most-merciful, most-giving, most-generous, most-benevolent, he’s lost faith! And that’s the biggest win for Shaytan! For us to lose faith! Become one of him. Lose Allah’s companionship.
Losing faith is Kufr.
And there, you lose everything, including Allah. And because you think evil of Allah, He will be as you’re thinking of Him! Subhanallah! It’s a full circle!
So, Inshallah, the lesson for today is to always think positive of Allah and be optimistic about the future. For a believer is never in loss! :D
If things aren’t going your way, it’s because you are not prepared to receive the greatest things. These trials come to polish us, so when we’re perfectly capable of handling the best gifts Allah is going to give us with extreme care, Allah will definitely entrust us with those gifts.
As they say, the fruits of patience are the sweetest. Have Sabr, Shukr…and juuuust a little faith :]
And Allah knows best.
May Allah guide us and forgive us, protect us from the tricks of Shaytan, and always help us to think good of Him ﷻ. May Allah make us so we always have faith in His mercy and stay thankful of His favours upon us. May He grant us shelter under His throne on the Day of Hashr and may He make all our affairs right and upon our betterment in Deen, Duniya and Akhirah.
Your smile so sweet, I am gonna die! My love, my sweet sweet baby Your …
Magic words for Love and Peace اَلسَّلاَ مُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ …
For the past few decades, there has been a constant effort to influence …
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