Your Smiles are Sweet and Babbling Bubbly
Your smile so sweet, I am gonna die! My love, my sweet sweet baby Your …
Today’s reflection is on Allah’s plan and the delay in acceptance of du’aa.
I wanted to share this beautiful mind-blowing experience I had two days ago, Imaanu.
Your Sarah Ma is not even a saint, but this was such a strange experience for me.
In 2017, I came across an Oreo icecream cake meme on Facebook. I was so excited to see it because during those times, I was very obsessed with Oreo cookies. I didn’t even know Oreo icecream cake really exists, it was just there and I was hoping to get to eat it.
I even jokingly sent the post to a friend and asked them to treat me. (Something I never do :p)
Timeskip to 2022, Sarah Ma has an aversion to sweet stuff and has cut down sugar from her diet. It does not excite her that much as before. (Sometimes even makes her queasy)
But just two days ago, your Mamma ordered…you know what? OREO ICECREAM CAKE.
It was years ago when I wanted it and two days ago I didn’t even think of it and it was right in front of me. How did I feel about it? Just grateful. Alhamdulillah. It exists! It came to me. So many years later, but, it did!
I know this sounds like a very okay experience and why would I be excited about sharing such an ordinary experience?
It’s because I came to the realisation that at present there is something you will want very desperately in life. You will bring it to someone’s notice and ask for it, you will be dreaming about such a thing coming into existence if it doesn’t exist, or else if it exists, you will make du’aa to have it and will try hard to get it.
Some days later, you might forget it. You might get busy in life and move on, but at the right time in the right place, Allah will accept that du’aa and give you the thing that you asked for. And if not that, then maybe something even better.
In this experience, what I wanted to tell you was that, I never once actively looked for an Oreo icecream cake. If I can get something like that at so random and it can make me so happy, surely, Allah will at the right time give us what we want and make us completely happy too, right?
If not here, then at least in Akhirah, right?
We have to humble ourselves in front of Allah, never give Him deadlines. He knows better than us, so just humble yourself and request for things. Never demand.
Sometimes, we make du’aa to have things, but look at this way. Maybe, it seems like Allah is delaying the thing because we don’t know the value of the thing? Maybe, if Allah accepts it right away, we will not even be in the state of mind to appreciate it enough?
Appreciation comes with gratitude and with gratitude comes willingness to serve or obey. Or at least the softness of the heart that nudges us to be more considerate and not hurt someone who’s done any kind of favour on us.
Even if it be something as small and simple as a smile, or any random act of kindness :)
If I got the OIC in 2017 itself, I would dust my hands and move on happily, satisfied over getting what I wanted so quickly.
Immediate gratification leaves little room for appreciation.
This incident opened my eyes to Allah’s aayaat.
As Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’Ala says, “We will show them Our Signs in the universe, and in their own selves, until it becomes manifest to them that this (the Quran) is the truth”. (Surah Fussilat, Ayah 53)
In everything is an Aayat, a sign of Allah, a revelation, a miracle, proof, evidence and subhanallah.
It’s also in February that I approached Mom and told her I want to spend this Ramadan at your Mamma’s place. In Hyderabad.
Mom said no, she couldn’t allow it to happen. I didn’t make any du’aa for it, I just hoped I’d get to go.
And a month later I’m in your Mamma’s home, ready to spend the Ramadan here.
I put up no fight for it, Imaanu. Things just…happened.
And this is all part of Allah’s divine master plan. The reason why I’m here, the reason why things are happening the way they are happening.. there’s Allah’s hikmah in everything.
Never lose hope.
Did you know Imaan, “Iblis” is a word derived from despair? To lose hope?
It’s a prominent character trait of the Shaytaan. That’s why it’s his name. So never lose hope. Because Allah says in the Qur’an, “And do not follow the footsteps of the Shaytaan. Indeed, he is to you, a clear enemy (an open enemy).” (Surah Baqarah, Ayah 168)
Keep making du’aa and have faith that Allah will indeed accept your du’aa.
Right now what you want, maybe you are not in the right condition to appreciate and value it enough. So Allah is preparing you bit by bit for the time, when it will be ripe, you will have what you need and at that point in life you wouldn’t be any more happier. Inshallah!
We cannot see the future, we cannot see into the hearts of others and we do not know what is about to transpire, so when things don’t go our way, always say Alhamdulillah twice.
Because things didn’t go your way, be at peace that things went Allah’s way.
If you get what you want, it’s Allah’s direction. If you don’t get what you want, it’s Allah’s protection.
Allah has seen what people are going to do to you and because He loves you, even if Him not giving you what you’re asking for will hurt you, He knows if He gives you what you’re asking for, that thing may/will hurt you more.
He would rather you hurt for some time and move on, than stay in something you can’t get out of and hurt longer and wish you never asked for it, or never went to it.
Allah’s love is beyond our understanding, but it’s omnipresent. It’s everywhere and it’s in everything.
And if a thought crosses your mind that if Allah truly loves you, why can’t He just change things so that they suit you. Remember that it’s better for you to have something that is willingly working out for you, than for things and people to force themselves to accommodate your existence. Really? Must everyone adjust to your preferences?
The latter is painful and creates resentment in everyone’s heart. And if you wonder, if such is the case, then why doesn’t Allah just make it so it doesn’t happen that way, then remember that He’s your Rabb. And He’s their Rabb.
You’re the main character only in your story.
And they are in theirs.
While Allah is thinking of what will work out for you, Allah also is aware of other people and what will work out for them. You are not the center of the universe, literally, and as much as it hurts to acknowledge it, when you acknowledge it, you’ll be at peace knowing and understanding that letting things happen in their natural flow and unfolding in your favour is better than forcing things to work out for you.
Bending anything too much breaks it.
Allah melts things to mould them in a shape that fits just right with you.
Remember that while bending takes little effort and no time, melting is a slow process.
It requires patience.
Be patient and have hope in Allah’s mercy.
It depends on how much faith you have in Allah to understand this and still have faith in Allah.
And sometimes, people aren’t evil, Imaan. No one is inherently evil. Our innate nature (fitra) is to be good, to surrender our will to Allah, right?
When we surrender our will to Allah, we aren’t evil. We are in a steady state of submission. So if we maintain this state of submission, which means to obey and follow Allah’s command, then have faith that obeying the one who Created everything will definitely support you. Have patience. Patience. Patience. Patience.
Allah loves those who do good, those who forgive, those who are patient and those who are conscious of Him.
So, it’s our ego. Our ego makes us evil. Let it go.
Don’t carry it anywhere. It’s the worst baggage.
If you don’t get something or someone, or if things aren’t working out between you and something else, never let ego intervene and make you think bad of them or it. Or Allah.
There’s no point thinking evil of others. Qur’an encourages us to think good of people.
Allah tells us in the Qur’an, “O you who have believed, avoid much [negative] assumption. Indeed, some assumption is sin. And do not spy or backbite each other. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his brother when dead? You would detest it. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is Accepting of Repentance and Merciful.” (Al-Hujarat, Ayah 12)
Allah asks about us in the Qur’an saying, “Why, when you heard it, did not the believing men and believing women think good of themselves [i.e., one another] and say, “This is an obvious falsehood”?”
“When you received it with your tongues and said with your mouths that of which you had no knowledge and thought it was insignificant while it was, in the sight of Allah, tremendous.”
“Allah warns you against returning to the likes of this [conduct], ever, if you should be believers.” (Surah Nur, Ayah 12-17)
Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) encouraged us to make excuses for our fellow Muslim brothers and sisters, and to always give people the benefit of the doubt.
There must be a reason why they’re doing what they’re doing. Hurt people hurt people. Seldom we get to get to the root of it, but they truly are hurt somewhere.
It’s just that sometimes… We hurt them more and their mistreatment with us is a subtle cry for our help. Soften down a little. It’s okay.
We never know all sides of the story, so instead of thinking, “This person is bad for me,” it’s best to say, “This person is good, but maybe just not right now or in front of me.”
Or “This person is good, maybe for someone else?” :D
Replace the negative thoughts with good ones :)
No one is inherently evil. Circumstances make people do things we don’t want them to.
But if this person comes into your life and stays there, focus on what they’re doing there. If they are nice to you and encourage you to get closer to Allah, they’re a blessing.
If they come into your life and hurt you so you automatically gravitate to Allah on your own, even then…they’re a blessing :)
Alhamdulillah, look for positives, Imaanu! We can do this!
And did you know Imaanu? Frustration often builds up because there’s a simple pattern behind it?
We create a script in our mind. Of how things will go, what others will say, how they will react, what they will wear, what they will give us to eat, how they will treat us, how they will see us… everything.
But people aren’t mind-readers to know what’s the script in your head, right?
And with what right are we expecting people to trust our script to be the one that works? People don’t want to follow it. They obviously have one in their head too, and I assure you, Imaanu, that they, too, believe theirs is the script that works.
Most people have one in their head, and when we communicate in a gentle way and let others know why we are doing what we are doing and why we have certain expectations from them, there’s a chance to understand each other and leave room for compromise or peace.
Some people have no script at all, and neither do they like to follow any. They just freestyle their way through life.
Everyone is built different, Imaanu.
If we all try to one up the other believing our ideas and our knowledge is the only right knowledge, this is the most flawed approach to life, and people.
And this is a clear case of inflated ego that will deflate soon, resulting in disappointment and if we don’t mend our ways, then humiliation.
In either Duniya, or else later in Akhirah.
Plus, the displeasure of Allah.
Is it really worth it?
So no matter what, even if you think according to your script, everything will go right, don’t forget that Allah has written a better script.
Al-Qur’an :)
And no matter what kinda script you have in mind, remember that Allah made you People Of the Scripture.
It’s not your script you follow, but Allah’s.
And when you follow Allah’s script, why do you think things are not going to go right?
They’re going right. You cannot see the future, but Allah is melting you and melting things around you so you fit better.
If Allah was to bend things and you to make it work, everything would break and even if it would somehow fit, there would be many cracks and imperfections in them.
Let things melt. Let yourself melt too.
Du’aas aren’t an Amazon Delivery, Imaan. (or whatever is working in your times)
Du’aa means “to call”. And you’re simply calling upon Allah.
And indeed, Allah says in the Qur’an, “Call upon me and I’ll respond to you,” (Surah Ghafir, Ayah 60)
Allah says “respond”. Not “react”. Not “obey”.
Responding takes time. To give a response means you acknowledge you bear a responsibility. The ability to be responsible enables you to respond.
Allah is responsible for and to you, so He will respond according to what He knows will be better for you judging from His knowledge and His wisdom.
You call to Him all you like, He will respond.
It might seem silent, but remember that while breaking things makes a loud sound often, melting is often quiet.
So if you think your prayers are going unanswered, trust Allah to be melting things for you. Don’t lose hope.
And remember to follow Allah’s script meanwhile.
Because Allah says twice, “And seek help with patience and prayer.”
(Surah Baqarah, Ayah 45 and Surah Baqarah, Ayah 153)
What is prayer? It’s a combination of du’aa. You are constantly calling upon Allah. In fact the pillar of salah is Surah Fatiha, without which your prayer is invalid.
And what is Surah Fatiha?
It’s entirely the most perfect du’aa, in which you first praise Allah, glorify Him, then you acknowledge that He’s the Master of the Day of Judgement, then you say that you worship only Him and seek help from Him. Then you request Him to guide you to the straight path. Upon the path of those He blessed. And you seek refuge from being on a path similar to those upon whom is Allah’s wrath.
Isn’t this the most beautiful and compound du’aa?
It covers everything! Subhanallah! Allah knows what’s best for us even in du’aa subhanallah :)
Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said, “Ask of Allah even if it’s a shoelace.”
It means, we must try our best to ask of Allah all the things we can, never shying away from Him, never doubting His Qadr or His power and capability to grant us something.
You know what’s the most beautiful thing about du’aas and Allah, in this case, Imaan?
That all those du’aas you make to Allah, no matter how silly you think it is,
“Ya Allah, make me the prime minister of India”
“Ya Allah let me have a dahi puri”
“Ya Allah make this pimple go”
Sometimes, not all of these du’aas are accepted. At least not instantly.
And you know what’s the most heartwarming thing about it? That because despite many of your du’aas going unanswered, you still crawl back to Allah and keep asking Him, you still believe in Him and died a Muslim despite the times you noticed your silly du’aas were not accepted, inshallah on the Day of Judgment, Allah will gather all your unanswered du’aas of wanting to be a prime minister, wanting to eat pizza, wanting your dandruff to leave you alone and all these du’aas, because you showed patience and faith in Allah, out of His love and mercy, out of adoring your persistence to still come crawling to Allah every time and continuing to ask of Him whatever you want, Allah will put these du’aas upon your scales :)
And you will watch with amazement as your hasanat become heavier, and your sins become lighter :D
This is why it’s said, “Du’aa is the highest form of worship.”
So don’t forget to keep making du’aa, don’t underestimate the value of constantly invoking Allah and calling onto Him all day.
On the Day Of Judgement, these little Ya Allahs will all be piled up on your scales, granting you the relief that you desperately awaited in Duniya :)
Subhanallah! My Lord is the Most Merciful and there’s none comparable to Him. Subhanallah.
So after you call to Allah, do you not wait for the person to respond?
Of course you do :)
So what is this waiting called?
As Hadhrat Yaqub waited forty years for Yusuf to come to him, it’s called “Sabrun Jameel.”
Graceful patience. Be gracious. Grateful. Be patient, but at the same time, don’t lose hope in Allah’s mercy. (Surah Yusuf, Ayah 87)
Because losing hope in the mercy of Allah is a trait special to the disbelievers ;)
Remember that patience means to wait for Allah’s mercy. Wait. Wait. Wait. Allah’s mercy will definitely reach you.
As Allah promises us twice, “Indeed, with hardship will be ease.” (Surah Nashrah)
Allah’s ease is just around the corner.
He did not say “after hardship is ease”. He said, “with”. So look for ease around you. While you have not one thing, there’s definitely something else you have, something that someone else in some corner in the world is still making duaa for.
Isn’t this a time to express gratitude while you wait? Your request has been processed, you have been delivered one answer. Appreciate this while you wait for your next request to be accepted, inshallah :)
Appreciation goes a long way.
Gratitude is important.
As Allah says in the Qur’an, “If you are grateful, We will surely increase you in favour.” (Surah Ibrahim, Ayah 7)
Give thanks to Allah.
And Allah will give you :)
May Allah accept our du’aas, grant us afiyah, grant us goodness and ease, may He make us from among the grateful, may He guide us to be gracefully patient and may He grant us wisdom to do the right thing and think good of others. May Allah increase us in our favours and keep us wrapped in His mercy. Aameen.
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